Lactrace - Ground Application Guidelines



   Allow 6 hours drying time when applying. 

   WEAR A MASK: Avoid breathing in the fine spray droplets.  Lactrace® is a trace element concentrate; too much of a good thing may be hazardous.

   Thoroughly agitate prior to use, half fill your spray tank, then add the Lactrace® @ 10ltr/ha/100ltr water (1:10 ratio), then add the remainder of the water.

   Lactrace® must be applied at least 5 - 7 days prior to grazing to allow the plant to uptake properly.

   Pasture with Lactrace® conditioning must be grazed for at least 2 weeks prior to calving.

   IMPORTANT: Wash spray gear thoroughly after use, as Lactrace® is very corrosive.

   If you wish to re-apply to the same pasture after 60 days, just use Lactrace® at half strength, as this is a very strong product.